Wednesday, 18 November 2015


Dear TPHA Members and Non Members ,

I hope you are all well. The TPHA National Executive Committee and the Secretariat would like to invite all TPHA Members and Non-Members to register for ASC/AGM-2015 to be held between 30th November and 4th December, 2015 at St.Gaspar Hotel & Conference Centre, Dodoma-Tanzania.
Online Registration System:
If you wish to participate or to present a paper at the conference, please visit our website for more information and Online Registration.
Fill the required fields in the online form and Click on “Submit”
Conference Registration fees are as follows:
        Tanzanians;        TPHA members            Tshs, 40,000/=
                                   Non- members            Tshs.  60,000/=
        Non Tanzanians: TPHA members           US$        40
                                   Non members             US$        60
You are advised to register and make payments prior to the conference by depositing the required amount to TPHA Account not later than 27th November, 2015
If you made payments through Bank Account, please upload your scanned Bank pay in slip on the Registration Page and Submit.

If you fail to make payments before the conference, please Register Online and submit your registration form, then you will make payment on the Conference opening day or before conference at TPHA secretariat/Head Quarters

You may also physically visit TPHA Headquarters for Registration and payments.
Bank Name:                      National Bank of Commerce (NBC)
Branch:                             Centre Branch-Mnazi Mmoja
Bank Account Number:     018101001926
Bank Account Name:        Tanzania Public Health Association
For more information on the registration process, Please contact TPHA Secretariat
0752 079 423-Information Officer
0756 701 474-Assistant Accountant
Erick Goodluck
Administrative Officer
+255 766 582 723
+255 714 474 042

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