
The association draws its membership from all over Tanzania and is open to non-Tanzanians residing within and outside the country.

The Association's membership is broad-based and multi-disciplinary. It includes medical and public health personnel, pharmacists, dentists, nurses, health officers, nutritionists, medical sociologists, behavioral scientists, economists, educationists and many others who are interested in public health and in the solution of health related problems. 

 Members benefits

TPHA seeks to promote the development of healthy public policy at all levels of government and across all sectors.

The association facilitate knowledge sharing and networking, aiming to support individuals and organisations who share a common commitment to promoting the public's health.Members benefits includes
  1. Participation in Special Interest Groups
  2. Working at the leading edge of policy development
  3. Helping to lead the growth of the Tanzania public health movement
  4. Access to our regular email updates and our 'Report' newsletter
  5. Exclusive access to online resources and information
  6. Connection with a vibrant network of active members involved in planning and developing Tanzania multidisciplinary public health conference the Annual Public Health Forum
  7. Access to papers presented at the Annual Public Health Forum
  8. Be represented by a respected Tanzania-wide body in a wide range of arenas reflecting the full spectrum of Public Health issues and relating to the core principles of the TPHA's mission.
  9. Shaping the activities and strategy of the Association by voting in the TPHA's Annual General Meeting

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