Wednesday, 15 April 2015

MNH starts official treatment of coronary artery diseases.

Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) yesterday announced the beginning of official treatment of coronary artery diseases through stent implants into an artery, similar to angioplasty procedures.
It is expected that the service would be the first in the country to save the life of people at risk of dying through heart attack. The procedures started on Monday after two successful stent implants.
Prof Mohamed Janabi, the Cardiologist Specialist and Head of Cardiac Medical and Surgical Department, told a press conference yesterday that the service was assisted by a team of specialists from India and United States.
“We had equipment installed two years ago. However, it was unfortunate that we had to refer patients abroad for treatments that we could not undertake,” he said, noting:
“The team of specialists from Madaktari Afrika will assist in commissioning similar services for at least 18 patients. The specialists include four from Weill Bugando Medical Centre and retired cardiologist specialists.”
According to the doctor, patients who were earlier diagnosed with coronary artery diseases had three options-- take medication, referral or die.
He said with the facility’s operations, he was optimistic that it would reduce the number of Tanzania patients being referred abroad for similar medical treatment.
Apparently, he said, the medications were relatively reasonable as they could be compared with referrals conducted abroad.SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN

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