Thursday, 30 April 2015

Exclusive breastfeeding crucial for child growth

What is the first thing many of us do when we wake up in the morning? We may not proudly admit it, but we check our mobile phones first to check the time, and then we scroll through our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram newsfeeds to see what our friends are up to and get the breaking news of the day. We do all this, while we are still in bed.

As a 31-year old woman and mother, I realise just how lucky we are to be part of information or digital age or new media age, where we have access to information at our finger tips 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You no longer need to be affluent to get online. People from all walks of life and from almost all corners of the world have access to the Internet. This era makes the adage – information is power – realisable.
If well used, information from the net can impact positively on our lives through broadening our understanding on a wide spectrum of issues – health, economics, political and environment and the list is endless.
Yet, evidence shows that young women, especially mothers, are not taking advantage of the knowledge available especially on important issues like breastfeeding. It is not uncommon to hear young mothers say: “I cannot breastfeed, I don’t have enough milk”. Others would say: “I do not want to gain weight, I want to maintain my shape.” Really? At the cost of your baby’s health?See More

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